Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week 4 Review

I really enjoy the daily announcements, because if it weren't for them I think I would be curled up in a ball somewhere! My favorite thing from the daily announcements this week had to be the Star Paws poster.
While it was super cute and fun to look at, it also represented one of the may ways that we can change a story. With my writings each week I'm trying not to get into a rut, where I use the same style over and over again. This helped provide me with some fresh perspective. For this week I have made sure to back up my pages and my writings! I think the stories in particular are important to back up, because they can be used for future job portfolios as an example of the different kinds of writing you can do! 

Announcements: I actually do have an announcement that I would love to share with the class, if you feel it is applicable! I am a member of Lindsey and Asp and I work on the University Club account. University Club is having their first event "Flip Night" on September 30th. This is reserved for people of drinking age and in a graduate or PhD program. Alumni are also welcome! I understand that most people in this class are undergraduates, but on the off chance that there are some 4+1 students like me, I would love to share! 

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