This week was very difficult for me. I got back into Norman
late on Sunday and ran out of time to do my first reading for this class. I am
very excited that we are able to make up points; it helps to put things in
This week, much like the last few weeks, I completed my
writing at my desk. Sitting at my desk helps me to stay focused without the temptation
of watching TV or getting on my phone. I have learned, especially through this
class, that with the weeks being so unpredictable the best thing to do is try
to get work done early! This is something that has helped me in the past and will
definitely help me in this class!
I read some great stories this week. I like seeing the
different styles my classmates choose, because it helps me get inspiration as
well as grow as a writer. One thing I struggle with is creating dialogue my
characters. I know what I want them to say, but I have a hard time putting it
to words. Seeing how other writers do it helps me learn different ways and methods
on how to incorporate it into my own writing.
One style that I have been seeing in my classmate’s stories
is the method of creating a story within a story. I really enjoy this style and
I might try to incorporate it into one of my future stories. One of the biggest
challenges I see with using a style like this is making sure you don’t loose
track of the original story. I don’t trouble
reaching the minimum word count, but I do have trouble going over the word
count. For next weeks story I really want to find a way to make my story
shorter and more effective. With length sometimes come unnecessary details.
These are all the things I want to work on this week,
however the most important thing I need to do is work ahead! I know this coming
weekend is going to be hectic, so I think this will help me in the long-run! Have
a great week guys and keep working!!
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