-Letter found in a box that once held Persephone’s beauty. –
say jealousy is the root of all evil, well whoever they are, at least got that
part right. If you are reading this you must be in need of some serious help.
Let me guess the Goddess of Love is after you, and armed with her two serpents
from Hell? Ya, I had that problem too, take it from someone who’s been there,
and get out while you still can. Even while writing this I have to stop from
questioning myself and wondering if Love is really worth all this trouble. You
see that’s what they want from you, from us. They want all of us, all mortals,
to give up our dreams and destiny, for the sole reason that they covet it. The
Goddess of Beauty should be called the Goddess of Envy, because god forbid
there is someone out there who is happier than her, if she would just get out
of her little bubble . . . I digress. If you fit this description and if
everything you love and hold dear has been taken from you, then you have two
choices. You can hold on to the belief that love is worth fighting for and face
the Queen of all evil or you can pack it up and go home. As for me she took
Love itself from me and I am determined to get him back. I don’t know what my
fate will be, when someone finally finds this letter, but whatever it is just
know, that all of this was worth it. We
have something to fight for, she doesn’t. I have left my letter here with
Persephone in hopes that whoever you are, it will help you find and take back
what makes you happy.
Psyche as she looks inside Persephone's box. Web Source
A few
weeks ago, I was just a normal girl, trying to decide whether or not I should
wake up and actually go to class. Now here I am trucking through Hell, trying
to find where that rat, I mean the Goddess of Beauty and Divinity, the picture
of all that is beautiful. . .blah blah blah, is hiding. Seriously that woman is
like a broken record when it comes to how amazing she thinks she is. When my
trails lead me to Hell itself, I thought the most likely place she would be was
with Persephone, but sadly she had already moved on. Now here I am stuck in Hell,
literally, all the while being chased by her two goons, who I have aptly
nicknamed the Serpents of Envy. I know her two followers all too well. We use
to be best friends until jealousy turned them away from me and into the
clutches of that witch. Now they have turned into something beyond human, they
are puppets in her endless game to make me miserable. I like to think of their
little group as a school clique. You have the two lackeys, who wouldn’t have an
original thought if it bit them in the butt and then you have the queen bee and
what does the queen bee always want (in those cliché, but totally addicting
movies?) The boy. The God of Love himself. Now he’s gotten himself kidnapped
and who has to go find him? Me, that’s who. When I met him on my first day of
college I should have walked the other way, but no, I go and make him my best
friend all the while neglecting to mention the fact that he was a GOD. Anyway,
I find out that he’s been kidnapped and now I’m the one who has to go face a
goddess and get him back, can someone please cue the hard-core, hero saving
music? The only useful thing I have learned while down here from Persephone is
that the Queen Bee is visiting her cousin and drum roll please, the God of
Death. I literally love my life right now. Luckily I thought to bring coins to
get across the river and now I’m on my to knock on Death’s door, literally. As
I walked I knew I had to think of some clever way to trick her into releasing the
man I love. As much as I don’t want to admit I like that cocky best friend of
mine, I need to find out if he loves me too. I am armed with a plan to trick
the gods themselves and a sassy attitude, noting can stop me now. It’s time to
get my man.
story is based off of the tale of Cupid and Psyche from the story of the Golden Ass by Apuleius. In the original story
Cupid’s mother, Venus, the Goddess of Beauty, is jealous of Psyches beauty and
the attention she gets. She asks her son to make Psyche fall in love with a
monster, who instead takes her for a wife of his own. He hides his face from
his wife and asks her to never seek out his identity, for fear it will get back
to Venus. She complies, until her sisters who are jealous convince her that he
is evil. In an attempt to figure out who her husband is, Psyche accidentally
burns him with hot oil from a light. He gets angry and goes to his mother.
Psyche turns herself into Venus and complete three tasks to try to get Cupid
back. In the end the lovers are reunited. For my story I liked the idea of the
sisters being in league with jealous Venus. They are represented in the
serpents. I also wanted to show more of Psyche’s strength by making her the
heroine. The story starts out during one
of the tasks that Psyche had to complete, which is to get beauty from
Persephone for Venus. Unlike in the story I imagined that Persephone would see
an ally in Psyche, thus letting her leave a note for Venus’s next victim. While
the original story ends with Psyche and Cupid together, I wanted to end my
story with an open ending because love is the beginning of a new story for
these two lovers. She has accepted her
love for the God of Love himself and is ready to being a new story that is
after she recuses him, of course.
Bibliography: These notes are from the reading "The Golden Ass," by Apuleius and translated into English by Tony Kline.
ReplyDeleteI like how the two different parts of your story were also visually separated by the difference in the text font/size and the picture placement. I wasn't familiar with the original subject material, but I like happy endings, so that's a positive change in my book. Thanks for sharing, I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
You did a very good job with this story. I also chose Cupid and Psyche for this weeks reading and I feel like what you did was very creative. I love how strong you made Psyche because in the original story she is made out to be so sad and slightly weak, even though she does complete all the tasks. Good job here.
DeleteWow! I love the font you used. It was very unique and made me feel like I was falling into a different world. Then, when the picture appeared and the font changed, I knew that there was a shift. It was very easy to understand and I think the way you made everything flow together was wonderful. Great job!