Monday, August 29, 2016

Reading Notes: Cupid and Psyche, Part B

As I started part B of the readings I was really excited about the concepts of envy and strength. While Venus put Psyche through difficult tasks I like the idea of proving love to Love. So far in the story we have three main villains, Psyche's two sisters and Venus. While reading I had the thought that if these evil beings joined forces they would be the ultimate "envy monsters." 

This combined with my wanting to show off Psyche's strength led me to the idea of having a heroin try to save Love from these monsters who seek to keep everything to themselves, after all greed goes hand in hand with envy. This also inspired me to use beauty as a form of deceit, while beauty is not always hiding ugliness within, it is a cover for many monsters. Both Venus and Psyche's sisters, use beauty and falsehood to get what they want. 

The challenges that Psyche goes through on behalf of Venus, inspired me to place my heroin in a situation where she will have to show strength and cunning to reach Love. In the end I am reminded of the verse from 1Corinthians 13:4, "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy." With this verse is from a different type of God the ones in the story, the verse served as inspiration why evil can't win in the end. Psyche will be kind and patient in her tasks and will take on the downfall of Love, envy. 

This is a photo of Psyche being helped by Providence, Jupiter's royal eagle. Web Source

Bibliography: These notes are from the reading "The Golden Ass," by Apuleius and translated into English by Tony Kline.

Bibliography: These note are based on the reading of 1 Corinthians 13:4. 

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