Monday, September 5, 2016

Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part A

This week I read Part A of Homer's Iliad. I first read this story in high school, however I don't remember a lot of the details.

In the beginning of the reading I really enjoy how the princes agree to support and defend who Helena chooses. This kind of reminds me of high school when the school would come together for a common purpose. It might be interesting to see what the princes (they could be the captains of different clubs in the school) come together for a common purpose: to defeat the other school. However there would be something to tear them apart and come back together. Because of the different personalities there will be tension and competing ideas, but in the end they will put their differences aside. Trojans versus the Greeks would be the two opposing football teams. I am still trying to work out who Helena can be in the story and how she might relate to the dispute between schools. She is an interesting character because of the first half of the story she is a pawn in this war amongst kings. It would be interesting if she turned the tables on the men who covet her.

Apollo is a great character because while he was the villain, he was getting revenge for a priest who served him. Apollo could represent a principle who, although his motives might seem unclear to the students, is truly looking out for them. Achilles in this story represents reason to me. He helps Agamemnon see the truth and is willing to put himself on the line for others. Achilles in my "Olympus High School" would represent the archetype of the faithful sidekick.

At Olympus High School I think the Gods should be the faculty of the school. They both guide and redirect the students. Some are the enforcers (Apollo) and others are the nurtures (Hera and Athena) and the School district director (Zeus).

Bibliography: These notes are based on the reading, "The Iliad" by Homer, remastered by Alfred J. Church.

This is the Wrath of Achilles by Michel Drolling. Web Source 

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