Authors note and bib, image and formation
Welcome to Olympus High School home of the Mighty
This is the sign that greets every student as they walk into
school at the start of each day. Personally, I think it is a little misleading.
The Might Greeks? More like the Mighty Losers seeing as we have lost the last
six football games this year. Ever since our star player Alex sat out. Alex and
our team captain, Henry got in a stupid fight over a girl and now they aren’t
talking and Alex is sitting out. He still comes to all of our games, but now he
just sits in the front row watching. He’s acting a little like a baby, if you
ask me. Of course, no one ever does. I’m just Peter, the stand-in for Alex
until he is back in the game. Sure, I get to start the games now, but I know
that is only temporary until Alex and Henry get over this argument. We can’t
afford for them to be fighting as we approach the big championship game against
the Trojans. The Trojans were our biggest rivals, ever since Henry's girlfriend
started dating the captain of the Trojans team.
I can’t help but thing that it is all a waste of time and
effort as I walk into practice that afternoon. Oddly, our principal, Mr. Bolt, is
the face that greets me instead of our coach Hera.
“Go Greeks! Welcome men! This is the big week, on Friday
night all of you will go out to represent our school against the Trojans. I
don’t think I need to remind you how big this victory will be for our school.”
He paused and stared at us. I don’t know what it is about our principal but when
he stares at you, with his piercing eyes it makes you a little concerned about
what will happen if you disappoint him.
“I know you all will do great and you wont disappoint me.”
He finished and then walked off the field.
“Well you heard him boys, my brother can be a little
competitive when it comes to the championship. Now, back to business. We need
to address which of you will be starting the game on Friday. So far I have
Henry, Sam, Michael, Alex . . .”
“Excuse me, coach,” interrupted Alex. “ I won’t be playing
this game. “
“What do you mean you wont be playing? I have tolerated your
bad attitude for long enough, you will either play this weekend or you can find
yourself another after school activity.” The coach huffed as see stared at
“I am sorry, but I just wont be able to make it. “ Alex said
as he walked off the field.
I knew the coach was only seconds away from blowing up.
Before she could speak, I rushed to say, “Let me talk to him coach, I’m his
best friend I bet I can talk sense into him.” The coach agreed. As I walked
after Alex I wondered why I even volunteered, If Alex didn’t play I would get
to wear the quarterback jersey and hopefully lead my team to victory. However,
I knew we needed Alex, I knew I needed to put aside what I wanted for the good
of the team.
“Alex, wait up!.” I yelled as I chased Alex down the hall.
“Peter you are going to change my mind. I just don’t want to
be on the same team as Henry any more. “ Alex said with resignation.
“What about me? What about the school? You know the team
will never win without you! We need you to lead us. Without you I would never
have even made the team, without those extra practices where you helped me, I
would still be sitting on the sidelines. You helped me then and I am going to
help you now. Forget Henry and forget the fight, what matters are those two
hours on the field, you can put aside your difference for that long cant you?”
I pleaded with him.
This is a depiction of the Trojan War by Corinthian Aryballos. Web Source
Alex looked at me and patted me on the back like a brother.
“I will play this one game, but then I am done. It will be your time to lead
the team. Henry might be the captain, but the quarterback is the heart of the
team.” With another pat to the back, Alex and I continued on to the parking lot
where we ran into Henry.
“Alex, I want to talk to you about Friday’s game.” Henry
“Save it, Peter already convinced me to play, not for you,
but for the team. “ Alex said with a stiff nod.
“Can we please put this behind us Alex? If we truly want to
win we need our minds focused on the game and not on this ridiculous argument.
I talked to Helen. She admitted she went to the Trojans just to make me mad.
You were right. ” Henry said.
“ Trust me, its not something I wanted to be right about.
I’m sorry you had to find out like that. “ Alex said as he looked up at Henry.
“ I should have trusted you. If I had we could have put this
all behind us and not wasted any more time. “ Said Henry.
“Well then we better get to practice so we don’t waste any
more.” Said Alex as he patted Henry’s shoulder.
Bibliography: These notes are based on the reading, "The Iliad" by Homer, remastered by Alfred J. Church.
Authors Note:
I used the story of the Iliad for inspiration for my story. The story of the Iliad takes place after Helen in taken by a rival prince Paris. Helen's husband calls on all of the fellow prices in the land to help him get Helen back. What ensues is several battles where many are lost. Achilles (Alex in my story) Is a great warrior but when the King become jealous he begins to take things that aren't his according to how they divided their conquests. Because of this Achilles says he will not fight for the Greeks and sits out of the war. When Patroclus asks his dear friend Achilles if he can battle, Achilles says yes and gives him his armor. It isn't until Partroclus dies that Achilles begins to fight again. For my story I didn't want to kill off Partroclus (Peter), so instead I made him the voice of reason for the story. In the end the Greeks triumph and Achilles is back to his normal self.
Old stories and myths updated to modern settings are always my favorite, so I really enjoyed how you mixed up the story here. All the little nods and references you sprinkled into the story made it especially engaging—looking for them was kind of like picking out the Easter eggs in a movie. I love the picture you found for the post, too; I can totally imagine them hanging football banners kind of like this along the halls of Olympus High each week before a big game.
ReplyDeleteKatie, I found your rewriting of the Iliad very interesting and with a neat ending. I found it pleasant that this time Peter ("Patroclus") didn't perish in the story because he seems to me as a character to root for in the story. Also your use of dialogue was a very good amount. There wasn't so much that I didn't understand the setting, but also not too little to where it was all plot description. Good job, and I look forward to more of your posts.
ReplyDeleteI love that you made the story take place in modern day. This style of writing always makes the morals of an old story easier to read and relate to in our world today. I think it can also be kind of difficult to do this so I applaud you for it. I really enjoyed this retelling, really good job!