Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Reading Notes: Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

These are the reading notes for part B of Arabian Nights.

The first thing I noticed about the readings is that Aladdin's uncle in the story first appeared as if he were a fairy godmother. . .godfather! That is until you it is reveled that he is an evil magician                        and is not Aladdin's uncle. I really like the magician as a villain for the story because the idea that he  was playing a part is interesting to me. The best villains are those that are cunning and this magician definitely applies.

As I read this story I noticed how big of a role Aladdin's Palace played in it. Rather than being a home, the palace seemed to become a trophy for Aladdin. This is very similar to the Disney movie when Aladdin began to get a little over-confident because of what the genie had granted him. For my story I want to play with the idea of the genies banning together and being the ones in charge. While they might be a slave to the lamp and ring, they hold more power than their

This is a cartoon version of Aladdin and the Wonderful lamp by P. A. Powers, to go along with my modern retelling. Web source 

A modern setting might make this story more interesting. I like the tradition that is weaved throughout the story like the finishing of the window and the switching of the cups. I am going to play around with the use of a modern setting and characters. I want to make both of the genies people who when they meet devise a plan to take back their lives.

Bibliography: These notes are based on the reading, "Arabian Nights" by Scheherazade

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